Mural located in 145th St and Jackson Ave Bronx
Portraying 3 different women of The Bronx representing diversity (portraits of Margie Diaz, Dada and Natalia Mendez). The mural was painted by Aída Miró in collaboration with Twoflü and Jerome. This project was funded y The Bronx Council of the Arts and Foxy Wall Project.

From mural to oil paintings and interviews
After painting the big mural I realized 3 women portraits were not enough to represent the huge diversity of The Bronx. So I got funding to continue the project with more portraits. 2020 was a very complicated year to do the project. Another mural couldn't be done, so it shifted into a series of oil painting portraits with interviews of 12 Bronx women.
Each painting is accompanied by a video interview.
To watch the interview click on the YouTube icon.